View Full Version : [Map] Project NMC-W00DS

02-05-2018, 04:14 AM
Project Name: Project NMC-W00DS
Project Start Date: February 3rd, 2018
Project Description: A simple wooded map
Project Genre: First Person Shooter
Project Live Version: PRE-ALPHA 0.0.2
Project Actual Version: PRE-ALPHA 0.0.2

- Updated: February 5th, 2018

Project News:
February 4th, 2018
- Placement of trees for first area is nearly finished
- Started foliage (it will look a bit off til it's complete)

February 5th, 2018
- Added some more foliage to make the map look more alive (will be in v 0.0.2 push)
- Started trees beyond the end of the Play Zone (will be in v 0.0.3 push)
- Gathering ideas of forest type cover (Fallen trees, random dips in terrain)
- Started adding large fallen trees for cover (Screenshot under media below)
- Started adding large rocks for cover (Screenshot under media below)
- Started scattering fallen trees and rocks around the map for cover (Screenshot below)
- Received requests for making the base terrain more alive, will start asap

February 6th, 2018
- Added AdminTestingArea

February 7th, 2018
- Removed all foliage for the v 0.0.2 push, will get something worked on asap, planned on doing this anyway to remove some lag.

Project Build Dates:
February 4th, 2018
- PRE-ALPHA Version 0.0.1

February 5th, 2018
- PRE-ALPHA Version 0.0.2
- NEWS: NMC-W00DS v 0.0.2 has been sent to NMC][^Charlita, it will be added to the next update push

February 7th, 2018

Current Non-Clan Testers:
- N/A

Project Media:


February 4th, 2018




February 5th, 2018






(Pictures show map progression)

- N/A

Project Completion Estimate:
- N/A

Project "Fully Working / Tested BETA" Deadline:
- N/A

Project Completion Deadline:
- N/A

Project Donations:
- N/A

Date Last Edited: February 7th, 2018 (edit by: .echo420x)